vendredi 19 décembre 2014

Presidential fumble: It's Franco, not Flacco

BALTIMORE (AP) -- Call it a Presidential fumble: Barack Obama mistakenly used the last name of Baltimore Ravens quarterback Joe Flacco when referring to actor James Franco in a speech Friday.

Lashing out at Sony Pictures for its decision to halt the release of the movie ''The Interview,'' Obama said, ''It says something interesting about North Korea that they decided to have the state come out with an all-out attack because of a satirical movie starring Seth Rogen and James Flacco.''

The President went on to say, ''I love Seth and James.''

The movie stars Franco, but Flacco had some fun with the miscue on Twitter. Flacco wrote, ''Welcome to the family, brother'' to Franco.

It was re-tweeted 1.4 million times by late afternoon Friday.

The Ravens play Sunday in Houston. Flacco's acting chops have thus far been tested only in commercials for McDonald's and Baltimore-area firms.

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