mercredi 6 juillet 2011

Star pitcher Clemens’ perjury trial begins

WASHINGTON, July 6 (Reuters) - The criminal trial of Roger Clemens, one of baseball’s greatest pitchers accused of lying to Congress when he denied taking
performancing-enhancing drugs, began on Wednesday with questioning of potential jurors.
The judge and the two sides started selecting 12 jurors who will be charged with deciding the guilt or innocence of Clemens, the former baseball star who sat in the courtroom with his lawyers and attentively watched the proceedings.
Clemens was indicted a year ago on charges he gave false statements to a U.S. congressional committee investigating steroid use in baseball, perjured himself under oath and obstructed the lawmakers’ inquiry into widespread drug use that tarnished the sport’s reputation.
Clemens, 48, the winner of a record seven Cy Young Awards, has denied taking human growth hormones or steroids or lying to Congress. If he is convicted, sentencing guidelines call for up to 21 months in prison, though the maximum penalty is 30 years.
Prosecutor Steven Durham said his list of those who could be part of the case by mention or as potential witnesses include baseball stars who have admitted using steroids, such as sluggers Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire, and baseball executives.
Defense lawyer Rusty Hardin said his list of potential witnesses include the defendant’s wife, Debra Clemens, and former teammates like Hall of Famer Wade Boggs.
The charges stemmed from an independent report commissioned by Major League Baseball that found many players had used drugs, prompting the House of Representatives Oversight Committee to hold hearings.
The trial, expected to last at least a month, will pit the word of Clemens against that of two former close associates who were listed among the prosecution’s witnesses—former trainer Brian McNamee and teammate Andy Pettitte.
Clemens’ defense team argues that his primary accuser, McNamee, is a habitual liar and trumped up the allegations and evidence about drug use to distract from his own legal problems, stemming from a 2001 sexual assault investigation.
Judge Reggie Walton called in the first batch of potential jurors, gave them a written questionnaire to fill out and then asked them questions individually.
He said picking a jury would likely take three days.
Potential jurors were asked if they had coached or played professional sports or whether they knew any professional athletes. They also were asked if they were fans of professional baseball, if they had ever attended a Major League Baseball game or if they had heard about the perjury trial of baseball homerun king Barry Bonds.
In April, a jury convicted the retired San Francisco Giants slugger on one obstruction charge but was unable to decide whether he lied to a federal grand jury about using steroids.
The list of more than 80 questions also asked whether the potential jurors knew any members of Congress or congressional staffers, had ever testified before Congress or were familiar with the congressional hearings about steroids in baseball.
Walton also reversed himself on a key issue, saying that he would probably allow teammates of Clemens to testify about their steroid injections from trainer McNamee.

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