lundi 25 avril 2011

Egypt makes concession to anti-governor protesters

Egypt's military-led government tried to quell more than a week of protests against the new governor of a southern province on Monday by saying he would not take up his duties for three months.Satemediareported the activities of Emad Mikhail, a Christian and former police officer who was appointed as governor of Qena province this month, would be "frozen for three months".
State television said Mikhail's deputy would run the governorate in the meantime, adding that the protesters had accepted this compromise solution and were disbanding.
But a journalist in Qena said about 1,000 people were still protesting and said they would continue until the governor was removed.
Thousands of Egyptians had demanded Mikhail be sacked because he had served in the police force of former President Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted in February by a popular uprising partly ignited by police brutality.
Similar protests have erupted in two other provinces whose new governors had also served in the police.
The protests against Mikhail, one of two Christian governors appointed by the military generals who now rule Egypt, are a sign of how willing Egyptians are to flex their new-found political muscle after Mubarak's ouster.
Some protesters, especially Islamists who have become more vocal since Mubarak was deposed, had said they did not want a Christian governor, raising sectarian fears in a province with a large Coptic Christian population.
Christian make up around 10 percent of Egypt's 80 million people. Many live in the south, and Qena has seen its share of sectarian violence.
In one high-profile case, Muslims killed six Coptic Christians in a drive-by shooting last year on Coptic Christmas Eve, in retaliation for the alleged rape of a Muslim girl.

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